Thursday, December 3, 2015

Fixing A Furnace Versus Replacing A Furnace

From time to time spending money can end up saving you money. In the scenario of furnaces, this is generally the case: Spending money can end up saving you money in a small period of time. But be aware that an inefficient furnace does not always need to be replaced. There may be some repairs and modifications that can be made that could help. For example, changing your furnace filters can help your system perform more efficiently, as well as making sure your humidifier is set to the proper level. Often, very simple repairs such as replacing the pilot light with an electronic ignition or sealing the joints in your ductwork can end up doing the trick, therefore, saving you money and prolonging the life of your Heating and air conditioning system.


If you really think that you need a completely new heating system, the first step is to contact a trusted heating specialist, like the ones at Park Mechanical, to come and check it out for you. Remember, a furnace can last for about 25 years if correctly maintained. So unless yours has been incorrectly installed, damaged, or has faulty wiring, you should get many good years of use. So how will you know when it's really time to replace the furnace?


There are three main main reasons why you would need to replace a furnace:


It's Very Out of date and Inefficient
homes that were built around the 1960s or even earlier, will most likely have an out of date boiler system or furnace. Although this doesn't always mean that you need a new furnace, your system may need an renovation to make it more energy efficient

The Huge Price of Operating Your Furnace
find out the most cost effective resource to run your furnace in your area: gas or electricity

Heating Load
heating load is the amount of energy need to maintain a continual 65 degrees indoors. Calling your utility company to perform an energy audit will help you figure out ways to make your residence more energy efficient and possibly save you from replacing the entire furnace. If you find that your furnace continues to work inefficiently, you probably need a new furnace


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